武陵观察网 历史 精品推荐-北宋十大年号钱套盒



With the continuous development of industry and commerce, the demand for money increased greatly. The government of Northern Song dynasty minted more than 500 million coins every year, which was 20 times the amount minted in Tang dynasty. At that time, copper coins were in circulation in most areas, while iron coins were used only in Sichuan. Song money to years of money-based, about 50 kinds.


There were three characteristics of money in the Northern Song dynasty. There are forty-five kinds of year numbers in Qian Wen, which are rare in the past dynasties. Second, the currency circulation has the localization, some regions copper and iron money dual use, has demonstrated one kind of separation of powers situation. Third, the forms, writing styles and materials of coins are various. Since the seventh year of Chunxi, the Emperor Xiaozong of the Southern Song dynasty, I began to add the date and the name of the prison on my back, and the writing style became more and more simple, xianchun years in order to deal with the financial problems caused by inflation on the local coin“Coin card.”.


